
Welcome ladies! 
I'm Jen. 
Child of God, wife of Josh, mother to Micaela, Joshua, Bubba, Lydia and Emily. 
I'm a stay at home mom. I spend my days homeschooling, gardening, keeping house and loosing my mind! I'm a sinner saved by grace. I fall, and I stand back up. I love my Jesus. I love my husband. I love my children. I love my chickens. I love my garden. I teach Sunday School.
I'm a horrible procrastinator. Open cabinet doors irk me. I drink way to much coffee and not enough water. I like to sew. I spend way too much time on pinterest and facebook. My house is clean but my van is filthy. I love my church. Being in a room painted yellow makes me nauseous. I'm real. 

                          My second hero (second only to Jesus!):

    I met Josh in 2008. I had just divorced after a 9 year battle in an emotionally abusive marriage. Josh came in like  a super hero and swept me off my feet! We were both had accepted Jesus as our Savior long ago, but rededicated our lives to the service of the Lord in 2010. Finding our place in ministry has been a winding road, starting out as Sunday School teachers, then Youth leaders, for a while we felt called to be Missionaries to the Philippines, until God led us to where we are now. Josh is the Youth Pastor at a Southern Baptist Church. 

Collectively we have 5 children. All were the product of our previous marriages. There is no involvement from either of our "ex's" so our blending has been much smoother than others in the same situation. We have, since day 1, been one family. No "steps", no "mine", no "yours"...just "ours". 

Micaela is our oldest, she's 13. Loves horses, reading and sharpening her leadership skills on her younger siblings. She's a big help in the kitchen. She's on track to graduate by 16, and wants to spend 2 years at the local community college to become a Dental Hygienist. She hopes to be able to work her way through Hyles Anderson College where she'll major in Marriage and Motherhood and maybe walk out with a Mrs. degree ;)

Next along comes Joshua. At 12, He's totally into science, just like his dad. He also loves fishing and hunting. I can see him spending quite a bit of time in college and probably will end up with a career in science or technology. He has a very gentle and cooperative spirit, though many times he prefers to be alone.

Bubba is all go, all boy, all the time. Just 9 months younger than Joshua, he's 11. He's full of energy and is constantly moving. Bubba is into anything outside, and I can often finding him wandering through the garden or on the treelines, hunting squirrels. He's quick to curl up with mama on the couch and loves to snuggle.

Lydia is 10. She's our drama queen, and I don't mean that in a bad way! She would make a great actress, so full of vitality and personality. She does everything in a big way. Lydia loves to read, just like her big sister and is a big fan of monkeys. 

Emily is the caboose of the family. She's a big girl of 8,  we've babied her way too long, but who could help it! She enjoys tagging along with mommy and crawling up in daddy's lap at night to snuggle and watch TV. She loves to build things with legos and tends to hoard her belongings on her bunk. 

 The blog started 2 years ago and went on for over a year and a half. It became a numbers game. I would check my stats several times a day. I wrote and wrote and wrote until I just ran out of things to say. Just as it blossomed and started to really grow, God spoke to my heart about the amount of time I was spending online. I closed up Narrow Way Wife and tried to uplug my online life some in effort to plug in more to my family. I have learned a lot during that sabbatical, and feel that I am now prepared to balance the Lord, my family, homeschooling, service at church and blogging a bit better. I will probably blog in spurts, focusing, you know, on...life. So if I'm around ferociously for a week and then drop off for 2, just know that I'm busy snuggling with my man, making memories with my children or helping out at church.

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